Heard Island Expedition 1997 (Planning Documents)


Willy Rusch HB9AHL


1) Responsibilies:
- organisation, general and preparation: Willy - HB9AHL
- cooking: every day I need 3 probably different people (in daily shifts)
- a list with all responsibilities will be done at least one day in advance

2) Daily food
- I'll try to guarantee one hot (big) meal per day at evenings
- enough food for snacks between the meals will be available 24 hours (self service)
- hot water for tea and coffee will also be available 24 hours and stored in thermos flasks (self service)
- the daily ration of consumable food and water will be claerly marked. If somebody needs more, he has to speak with the food services czar

3) Cleaning
- everybody is personally responsible for the cleaning of his utensils
- once per days (evenings after "diner") it'll be a big cleaning of all utensils
- if possible we'll use "island-water" for cleaning
- the galley has to be kept as clean as possible all the time
- no smoking in the galley tent

4) Waste
- everybody is personally responsible for his waste disposal
- all trash will be collected in plastic bags
- full waste bags will be safely stored by the food services czar

5) Kitchen gear for 20 people
- enough plates, cups (plastic only), knives, forks and spoons
- enough pans (all unsful kinds)
- enough waste bags (20 gallons) ev. light containers
- many, many plastic bags
- cleaning and drying towels/papers
- enough and big thermos flasks (daily hot water storage in the tent)
- enough foldable plasic containers at 5 gallons with handle (daily cold water storage)
- 2 - 3 cooking stoves (propane)
- and all the small normal kitchen items (e.g. can opener, funnel, water pump)

6) Food list
- according to the contract with the French I need until November 15 a list with the prefered food for 20 people for 25 days.

Storage for food, drinking water, cleaning water, fuel and propane

FOOD (Sheltered Area)
[for 20 people, 25 days]
2 daily rations warm area in the galley tent
provisions area in wooden container or tent, can be cold

DRINKING WATER (Sheltered Area, in tents)
[3000 liters from the vessel in suitable containers]
daily rations and provision
warm area (ice!) in the galley tent

CLEANING WATER (Sheltered Area, in tents)
[from the island]
daily ration warm area in the galley tent

PROPANE (Sheltered Area, outdoors)
[25 bottles, 20 kg each]
active bottles near the stoves (in or outdoors)
stock wooden containers

FUEL (Outdoors)
[15 drums, 200 liters each]
active drum filling station in wooden container
stock outdoors

The Campsite at Atlas Cove
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Last update: 17 Nov. 1996 Robert W. Schmieder cordell@ccnet.com