TX5K - Short gallery

Clipperton is located about 800 miles south of Cabo san Lucas

Location of the landing and campsite of TX5K

The TX5K camp was directly in front of the palm grove

The expedition vessel, The Shogun

Some of the team enroute to Clipperton

The campsite upon arrival

The campsite at the beginning of camp setup

Supplies in shipping cases

Transportation of supplies using the ATV/wagon

The TX5K campsite

The GEM tent (left) and COM tent (right)

The kite used for aerial photos

Aerial photo of the TX5K camp

Another aerial photo of the TX5K camp

One of the radio operating tents

Part of the antenna array

One of the radio operating tents

Luis XE1L operating

The DXA web page

Mealtime in the GEM tent

Clipperton rock

Masked boobies

We gave names to a few of the crabs

The flag of the Explorers Club

The TX5K campsite

Banners of the TX5K operation

The campsite as we left it

Robert W. Schmieder, PhD
4295 Walnut Blvd.
Walnut Creek, California 94596 USA

(925) 934-3735 (voice and fax)
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Copyright © 2013 Robert W. Schmieder All rights reseved. Last update: Thursday, April 25, 2013